Updated: 22 Jun 2023

Newsletters and Documents

June 6th 2023

An updated newsletter is released and can be downloaded wih the following link: 


May 4th 2021

2021 newsletter is released and can be downloaded wih the following link:


March 12th 2020

The ESA Atmospheric Validation Data Center (EVDC) has been updated (http://evdc.esa.int/) with new functionalities and new tools. The new EVDC portal adds cloud processing capabilities, backed by high-end computing center, with easy to use web interface and improved satellite and Cal/Val data search functions, improved documentation and help system, as well as, access to new Cal/Val datasets and satellite products.  
The user community is invited to exploit these new features and to contact the EVDC team (nadirteam@nilu.no) for any further information.
In connection with the release of the new portal, a newsletter is released and can be downloaded wih the following link:


August 14th 2017

The ESA Atmospheric Validation Data Center (EVDC) has been migrated to a new portal (http://evdc.esa.int/) with upgraded functionalities and new tools. The portal offers access to both Cal/Val data and Satellite products for specific missions. The user community is invited to exploit these new features and to contact the EVDC team (nadirteam@nilu.no) for any further information.

In connection with the release of the new portal, a newsletter is released. The online version is found here and the .pdf version can be downloaded with the following link:


December 14th 2017

The EVDC rehearsal guidelines for the 2nd Sentinel-5P Validation Team Meeting is found here: S5PVT_rehearsal_guidelines_20171214.pdf

Versioning Documents and Release Notes


Network/Data Centre GEOMS representative DCIO representative Comment
ESA P.Castracane/A.Dehn P.Castracane/A.Dehn
EVDC AM.Fjæraa/I.Boyd/Y.Lin/P.Eckhardt/R.Rud AM.Fjæraa/I.Boyd/Y.Lin/P.Eckhardt/R.Rud
BIRA/ACTRIS B.Langerock B.Langerock
EarthCARE R.Koopman/S.Rusli R.Koopman/S.Rusli
WMO S.Netcheva
S5P VDAF S.Niemeijer S.Niemeijer
NDACC/NOAA J.Wild/G.Chen/A.Aknan J.Wild/G.Chen/A.Aknan
WOUDC T.Kralidis
PGN C.Posch
TOAR-II R.VanMalderen/W.Steinbrecht R.VanMalderen/W.Steinbrecht