Updated: 08 Jul 2024

All ECVT members and PIs are asked to establish contact with the ESA Data Centre: nadirteam@nilu.no

These pages repeat some of the content in the ECVT confluence pages, and contain also some database specific information.

Data sharing agreement protocol must be signed. Access to preliminary and final Cal/Val data from the teams, and access to the other EVDC data and tools is only granted to those who have signed this protocol.

All campaign data resulting from the EarthCARE campaigns must be uploaded to the EVDC archive.

In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding/misinterpretations when working with different sets of data, ECVT members are expected to standardise the metadata of their measurements according to GEOMS (Generic Earth Observations Metadata Standard). To support the standardization, there are GEOMS tools and templates available and when these are not sufficient, PIs/co-Is can ask from support from the EVDC team.

Each Cal/Val team or data network that is to share and exchange their campaign data within ECVT should do so as early as possible after the flight or the daily measurement has been completed. Preliminary data should be submitted to the EarthCARE Cal/Val area in EVDC compatible formats fully documented or self-descriptive, and compliant with Generic Earth Observation Metadata Standards (GEOMS). An exception to this format and metadata restriction applies only when the neccesary conversion is unfeasible even with EVDC support.

EVDC login info: (updated 2024-01-21)

FAQ: (updated 2024-01-21)

Data upload via web API:

Visit https://evdc.esa.int/upload/ --> select file from you local machine and press "submit file" button. Only GEOMS formatted data files are supported in the web API.

Data upload via blind-drop:

From a terminal: Log in to machine upload.nilu.no with your evdc account using sftp and put data in the "blind-drop" folder named /viper/nadir/evdc/incoming/ (EVDC team will monitor this area and contact you after you have added files)

Data upload directly to a campaign folder:

From a terminal: Log in to machine upload.nilu.no with your evdc account using sftp and put data in the "ECVT" folder named /viper/nadir/projects/earthcare/ in a suitable folder. (EVDC team will monitor this area and contact you after you have added files. Users are allowed to create their own directories)

Data download via web pages:

Visit https://evdc.esa.int and log in to the portal (upper right corner) with your provided user name and password.

Goto "Search Cal/Val Data" https://evdc.esa.int/search/ and select from dropdown menu "Other" --> "Framwork" = EARTHCARE. (Note that the defualt date is set to the 3 last months in the "Time and Location" box).

Scroll down and select "Submit".

Data download directly from a campaign folder:

From a terminal: Log in to machine download.nilu.no with your evdc account using sftp and change (cd) to the "ECVT" folder named /viper/nadir/projects/earthcare/campaigns/ Users are allowed to list and download all data in the subfolder of this area.