Updated: 25 Jan 2024
EVDC login info:
Open a putty terminal window and look up host login.nilu.no, port 22, ssh
Log in with your provided EVDC user name and password (the login credentials are provided when you have signed the data protocol)
Use Bash shell and go to the EarthCARE private data directory
> bash
> cd /viper/nadir/projects/earthcare/
You may also want to connect to the machines upload.nilu.no or download.nilu.no with sftp to transfer files from/to your own local server. This can be done (from a unix terminal) by:
(base) annm@prod-login04: /viper/nadir/projects/earthcare/$ sftp annm@upload.nilu.no
annm@upload.nilu.no's password:
Connected to upload.nilu.no
sftp> cd /viper/nadir/projects/earthcare/
With your user name and password you can also access the EVDC web pages (https://evdc.esa.int - login button in upper right corner):