Updated: 24 Mar 2025


The GEOMS forum is a group of experts and stakeholders who are involved in the development and implementation of the Generic Earth Observation Metadata Standard (GEOMS), which is a metadata standard used for archiving data from ground-based networks and for using this kind of data for the validation of NASA and ESA satellite data.

The GEOMS forum consists of representatives from various agencies and institutions, such as NASA, ESA, NOAA, NILU, BIRA-IASB, S[&]T, and others, who have contributed to the GEOMS guidelines and conventions. The GEOMS forum also includes data providers and users who apply the GEOMS standard to their datasets and products.

The GEOMS forum may meet regularly (once pre. month) to review the progress and performance of the GEOMS standard, provide feedback and recommendations, and ensure the quality and relevance of the metadata and data structure requirements.

The list of all measurement principles/templates and their main GEOMS contact are listed here:

Please contact the EVDC team [nadirteam @ nilu.no] if you want to contribute to the GEOMS forum.

Steering group:
Company/Body/Network    GEOMS representative(s)
ESA Angelika Dehn and Paolo Castracane
EVDC Ian Boyd and Ann Mari Fjæraa
AVDC/NASA/NOAA    Ian Boyd, Ali K. Aknan, Gao Chen
NDACC Jeannette Wild and Martine deMaziere
CAMS Bavo Langerock
[S&T] Sander Niemeijer
WOUDC Tom Kralidis

Additional members:
Company/Body/Network    GEOMS representative(s)
ACTRIS (suggestion Cathy Boone, Lucia Mona, Ewan O'Connor)
ARM Jim Mater and Giri Prakash
COCCON Darko Dubravica and Frank Hase
DWD Wolfgang Steinbrecht
EarthCARE Rob Koopman and Stephanie Rusli
EUBREWNET Alberto Aredondas
LALINET Eduardo Landulfo
PGN    Ragi Rajagopalan
TOAR Roeland van Maldern and Herman Smit
TOLNET Thierry Leblanc