Updated: 01 Feb 2022

DCIO Data Centre Inter Operability - Metadata Harvesting and Sharing

Atmospheric EO and Cal/Val data are available from multiple sources and data archives across the world, there is no so-called "one-stop-shop" for search of data. In order to facilitate simpler and faster search metods for the users, EVDC provides harvesting methods for sharing metadata between data archives from a number of national and international projects and programmes.

If you want to explore what is new, deleted or updated in EVDC since last time you visted the database, you might want to use our online harvester - based on The Data Center InterOperability system

There is a growing interest in using Cal/Val data particular in connection with the new Sentinel missions and other upcoming satellites, as well as in Copernicus
and related initiatives. Through metadata sharing, EVDC aims to promote cooperation between the various data archives, work for an open data policy and exploit and strenghten collaboration throughout EO disciplines in the best possible way.

DCIO OAI-PMH metadata exchange structure files

DCIO metadata mapping for EO datasets: OAI-PMH XSD files, examples: EOCDCIO-Metadatamapping-V08.zip

XSD file: eocdcio_20110725.xsd

EVDC Harvester

The EVDCs primary data format is GEOMS formatted HDF files. A harvester to browse the GEOMS data is set up at https://dcio.evdc.nilu.no/oaicat/ 

For really using it you’d probably prefer to use python. We use pyoaiharvester as a starting point (https://github.com/vphill/pyoaiharvester).

Example on how to use the harvester from the web browser:

To see what files that are new/changed/deleted in the system since yyyy-mm-dd:

From the main OAICAT link at https://dcio.evdc.nilu.no/oaicat/ select ListRecords (Resumption) and type e.g. the following

https://dcio.evdc.nilu.no/oaicat/ , select ListRecords (Resumption) and type e.g. the following

  • from: 2022-01-30
  • until: 2011-01-31
  • set: dcio
  • metedataPrefix: eocdcio

Press "Send" button

The OAIHandler will return a list of records and their valid metadata. It also gives information on where to download the files.


<eocdcio:CorrelativeProduct xmlns:eocdcio="http://earth.esa.int/eocdcio" xmlns:str="http://exslt.org/strings" xmlns:xlink="http://www.  w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" gml:id="EVDC_1199235" version="0.8.0">







Routine stratospheric temperature profile from LIDAR at DWD-Hohenpeissenberg Observatory, Germany. See: doi:10.5194/amt-2-125-2009









































































<gml:TimePeriod gml:id="EVDC_1199235_T">






<eocdcio:CorrelativeProductEquipment gml:id="EVDC_1199235_E">








<eocdcio:CorrelativeProductSpatialExtent gml:id="EVDC_1199235_SE">



<gml:Point gml:id="EVDC_1199235_P1" srsName="CRS:84">

<gml:pos>47.8 11.02</gml:pos>








<eocdcio:CorrelativeProductResult gml:id="EVDC_1199235_PR">




ftp://ftp.evdc.nilu.no/groundbased/lidar.temperature/hohenpeissenberg/groundbased_lidar.temp erature_dwd001_hohenpeissenberg_20170515t204012z_20170516t023836z_001.hdf


<eocdcio:fileAccessConstraints>This file may only be accessed by ....</eocdcio:fileAccessConstraints>



<eocdcio:cloudCoverPercentage uom="%">12</eocdcio:cloudCoverPercentage>

<eocdcio:snowCoverPercentage uom="%">0</eocdcio:snowCoverPercentage>








DCIO chose the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) for interchanging catalog metadata. Some peer data centers are fully OAI-PMH compliant, and some have chosen to provide metadata through a custom-built mechanism. The OAI-PMH's purpose is to transfer large amount of records from one data repository to another. All metadata will be searchable in both records, but the data remains in the primary archive. Using the OAI Harvester module, a site administrator must first register an existing data repository by name and base URL. The base URL specifies the Internet host, port, and path, of an HTTP server acting as a repository, without any parameter. After saving the repository, the OAI Harvester module will detect and save all the necessary information, such as the descriptive information about the data provider, the list of metadata formats, and sets, the availability of the server. After fetching the last record from data provider and processing, the result is a collection of all new, updated, and deleted records in the archive.

Read more on https://www.openarchives.org/pmh/