Updated: 11 Feb 2020

ECMWF Data and Plots

Through collaboaration with the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) NILU is providing access to daily updated data files of global gridded meteorological parameters. Access to ECMWF data is regulated through an agreement with NILU and the users of its data centres. All users who want access to the data needs to sign the ECMWF data usage protocol available upon request to nadirteam@nilu.no, and send it to NILU by email (as a scanned signed document to nadirteam@nilu.no). Please note that this protocol must be signed even though you already have an user account at EVDC. 

On zardoz you can find data and ready-made plots of a number pf parameters that are updated on a daily basis. These products are found in sub directories on out disc server and online on the wep pages.  Only registered users will be able to access the plots. (Same user-accounts as for EVDC web). Digital data protocol at https://ecmwfprotocol.evdc.nilu.no/

